Stan Sorscher, a former Boeing engineers and now a Labour Representative at the SPEEA (Society for Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace) is the author of a letter, reproduced in full below, which he posted to the Seattle Times In it he says Boeing’s cost-cutting culture is to blame for production problems with the 737 MAX …
Category: 09. Customers
Mar 12
Customer measures needed
Once, supply of most goods and services people wanted to buy was limited – suppliers thus had the whip-hand – for example, Ford could offer their ‘Model T’ cars using the strap line “any colour so long as it’s black” Those days are long gone Mid 20’th century and on, competition between suppliers started to …
Mar 05
Customers don’t measure up
Supplier organisations have two sorts of customers – external and internal: External customers pay for the goods or services private or public sector organisations offer them – it’s their money alone which keeps businesses in business and public services alive, and pays every employee and shareholders dividends – they decide whether or not to buy …
Jan 22
The mighty CSR hits the buffers
Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR – is said to have been started by John Spedan Lewis for his retail chain: “Solely to make the world happier and a bit more decent” Unilever has the goal of ‘making sustainable living commonplace’ – they believe that ‘by doing good they will do well’ Dave Lewis, CEO of Tesco, …
Jun 24
BA put customers last
BA – British Airways – was once state-owned and nicknamed ‘Bloody Awful’ Then, in the 80s under Lord King and Colin Marshall, it transformed itself into the ‘World’s Favourite Airline’, not least by delivering the now-famous PPF (Putting People First) course to all staff, some 200 at a time, who assembled at upmarket venues such …