Ken Blanchard, of ‘One Minute Manager’ fame, recently focused on why implementing change stumbles so much
He listed 13 pitfalls that stop major change in its tracks without attaching relative weightings to each one so you are left to decide your own:
- Culture = The predominant attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of the organisation:
- The current culture is not fully understood at first
- Any disconnect between actual values and those posted on the wall means the latter are ignored
- Employees become cynical about leaders who say one thing and do another
- One must determine how to leverage the current culture to support, enable and sustain the change
- To change the culture requires leadership, measures and incentives
- Commitment = Employees’ motivation to engage in the new behaviours required by the change:
- Employees are far more likely to buy in to a change they’ve influenced than one imposed on them by others – their involvement may lengthen implementation but greatly increase the likelihood of success
- Uncovering and addressing employees’ concerns about any change increases both trust and buy-in
- Those ignored can derail all
- “There’s no commitment without involvement”
- So provide forums for people affected to express their views, listen to bosses, become involved, have doubts removed, not least by others converted
- Do you want compliance or commitment?
- Sponsorship = The senior person pushing for the change and with authority over resources needed:
- He must live and breathe the change in behaviours needed to show he is serious
- Actions speak louder than words
- He must assemble a well-qualified change team
- He must not announce visions such as “To be the leading XYZ company” when all employees know it’s unrealistic given the company is nowhere near that position and steadily falling further behind
- Change team = They have responsibility for deciding and making the changes – leading people through them and delivering the outcomes wanted:
- They must speak with one voice ALWAYS and resolve employees’ concerns
- Members should include advocates for the change – people who have been part of successful projects, have the time, have respect of peers, are highly skilled, will speak the truth, can communicate – people from different areas, and represent diverse points of view
- They must involve, not ignore, employees affected
- Communication = Essential dialogue between changers and those affected on why the change is needed:
- Mixed messages from sponsors, other managers and the change team give employees excuses not to change
- Don’t focus on getting words out – also listen i.e. take employees’ words in
- Use all types of media, often
- Urgency = How quickly employees must change:
- Employees must be convinced that the status quo is not a viable option – what is wrong with now
- Present them with the facts, show the gaps between what is and what could be, and then ask them why the need to change
- Spend lots of time with apparent losers
- Vision = A clear and compelling picture of the future after the change:
- Go beyond a slogan and present a clear picture of what the future could look like
- Ensure (most) employees can see themselves benefiting in future
- Don’t invent a vision off-site at some exec retreat
- Involve the maximum number of employees in the visioning process to maximise the number who will want to be part of it
- Plan = A detailed programme of actions to fully integrate changes into the organisation:
- Don’t focus on the big picture and ignore the detail, the main stumbling blocks for change projects
- Always try to include ‘early wins’ – build a momentum of enthusiasm or naysayers will prevail
- Always include employees affected in the planning process, especially the resisters who will identify what could go wrong
- “Those who plan the battle rarely battle the plan”
- Budget = The allocation of limited resources:
- Ensure the project has enough resources for the change to succeed
- Don’t let he who holds the purse strings run the whole show
- Training = All employees affected have all the new skills needed:
- Pilot the changes first – to learn who needs what training
- Employ trainers whom employees respect and will learn from
- Incentives = Rewards for desired behaviours and results:
- They must be meaningful/ relevant – and not necessarily monetary
- They must be on offer to all, not just a few
- Employees must not forget their other roles
- Performance management = Goals and expectations:
- Track outcomes expected of people – provide feedback and coaching
- Ensure they have the time and capacity for the extras needed for the changes
- Some people want change but are not willing to pay for it
- HR should be the most important division – (not a dumping ground for failures)
- Accountability = Delegation, follow-up and consequences:
- Leaders must ‘walk the talk’
- Avoid lots of action then no follow-up
- Need clear measures of success for all, not just the leaders – which are regularly reviewed
With so many important factors to consider, it makes one wonder about the chances of success for any big improvement initiatives, whether at organisation or national level