Productivity improvement has become a complex subject embracing most management disciplines, made even more complex by its measurement becoming more difficult as economies develop and services come to dominate
The upside of widespread productivity improvement is a vast increase in national economic growth rates and standards of living – mostly achieved by reducing unit costs of goods and services enabling many more people to afford them
Demand then increases and company profits improve enabling increases in pay levels which generate even more demand plus more tax-take for governments to provide more and better public services
The downside can be job losses for some but, to date, productivity improvement has led to a net increase in jobs plus whole new sectors created – and most people outplaced are able to find other jobs, often better paid and more fulfilling
With such benefits, ‘how to improve productivity’ has become the most important issue facing any manager or government minister in peace-time – at least in ‘non-pandemic times’
Hence, one would expect there to be thousands of books, seminars, conferences, specialist courses, website pages and apps focussed on productivity improvement – plus directors and consultants specialising in the subject
Surprisingly, there are very few
Indeed, productivity is ‘off the radar’ for most managers at all levels – everybody is said to be responsible for it, so nobody is – in effect, they’re ‘flying blind’ – unforeseen events top their priority lists, daily firefighting is their norm, productivity improvement is not even on their agendas
Hence most organisations in most sectors, public and private, operate well below their potential – not 1 or 2% below but at least 20%
The great majority could offer much more and better, many with fewer resources and so at much less cost
Hence, the overall aim of this website and our trilogy of productivity books is:
‘To help managers improve lives’