National productivity measures
There are three measures of national productivity on offer from the UK’s ONS – Office for National Statistics
Output per hour worked – the most popular measure:
Reflects the international differences in hours worked, holiday entitlements and the flexibility of the labour market including part-time and other alternative work patterns
More relevant to time than results-based work
Output per worker – the main alternative measure:
Simplest to calculate because internationally consistent definitions of output and employment figures are readily available
More relevant to results-based work
If people work longer hours, productivity can appear to increase
Output per person of working age – an also-ran measure:
Shows how well a nation uses all its workers, actual and potential, in productive employment
But many potential workers may be unemployed or under-employed
N.B. All the above are partial productivity measures – they only cover labour productivity – the productivity of material, capital and knowledge resources are not measured
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