author of “Leadership Dubai Style”
When it comes to boosting productivity, people immediately point to the need for process improvement, automation or outsourcing, whilst overlooking the most important factor of all – the human worker
Indeed, many companies are happy to splash cash on technologies and strategies that promise process gains, yet they baulk at the idea of investing in the productivity of their people, even though that is precisely where the need for improvement lies
Consider the common shortcomings we endured on a recent trip to New York – it was 11a.m. when we arrived, too early to check-in to our Marriott hotel, but we wanted to drop our bags and pre-check- in to confirm our reserved room type (two rooms, each capable of accommodating two adults and one child) – with mission accomplished, we headed out to enjoy the day – we also received a mid-afternoon phone call stating that our rooms were ready
Great news
Only that wasn’t to be – the rooms we had reserved were not available – instead, we had been allocated two rooms, each with one king-size bed and neither with sufficient space for roll-away beds
“We’re fully booked tonight and can’t change your rooms,” said a rushed employee – minutes later, this escalated to the manager who started our conversation by saying that I should have informed them of our requirements in advance!
Poor customer service aside, the display of incompetence was astounding – not only had I stated our requirements in the reservation, I had also sent a follow-up note directly to the hotel and reiterated it face-to-face that very morning
Some might call this a failure of processes, but to me it was a classic case of poor human productivity
What shouldn’t have even been a problem in the first place took three employees two long hours to resolve – had they been productive, they wouldn’t have wasted their time, or ours – this is a good example of what UK consultancy Vanguard Consultants call Failure Demand
And the blunders didn’t end there
The next morning, I woke early and decided to get some work done before my wife and kids surfaced – slipping out of the hotel, I made my way to Starbucks but, when I arrived, their doors were firmly shut – they should have opened at 6 a.m., and I was right on time, so I joined other early risers braving the cold for a pre-dawn caffeine shot, and waited
Soon, a line had formed and the owner of the neighbouring mini-mart strolled over and asked: “What time do they open?” feigning concern – “Ten minutes ago,” I replied sarcastically – “Well, I have coffee inside,” he announced, pointing to his store – with that, the Starbucks line gratefully filed into his minimart
Clever guy
Was Starbucks’ failure to open at 6 a.m. a process breakdown? – No
Like the Marriott hotel booking debacle, the mistake was down to the employees, whom I had watched through the window as they prepared for opening, apparently oblivious – or indifferent – to the time